6 Most Common Mistakes Influencers Make


My journey from a small DIY account to a six-figure influencer was fast - but it wasn’t easy! I made SO many mistakes along the way and had to quickly teach myself how to make the most of my social accounts.

These lessons inspired me to make my Maggie McGaugh’s 6-Figure Academy. I teach my students how to monetize their social media, grow their following, and become six-figure income influencers.

I’ve made a list of the six most common mistakes I see influencers making on social media that prevents them from being successful:

1. Blaming the algorithm, your followers, or anything other than your own content. I’ve heard it too many times: “My content isn’t doing well because the algorithm changed.” Although they do change frequently, algorithms will always favor engaging content. I encourage my students to spend less time worrying about the algorithm, and more time making sure their content is fun and engaging for their audience.

2. Ghosting your followers for more than a few days without an explanation. Followers LOVE consistency. If you disappear from your accounts without warning them, they will lose faith in relying on you for whatever value you provide. It’s absolutely ok to take breaks - I do! Just tell your audience so they don’t worry, and they have your return to look forward to.

3. Not treating it like a job. You know the saying “dress for the job you want, not the job you have”? You have to treat your social media the same way - treat it like a job if you want it to become a job. It’s WORK, and you can’t give up if you don’t see fast results.

4. Posting just because you haven’t posted in a while. My biggest advice to all of my students is to provide value. If you’re posting just to post, your content probably doesn’t have value.

5. Making the profile about what you DO instead of making it about YOU. I started as a DIY influencer. If you know anything about social media, you know that DIY influencers are incredibly common. I got the community of followers I have because they liked me as a person - and my furniture! Don’t be afraid to show your personality in your posts.

6. Not monetizing your profile with brand deals, courses, products, creator funds, etc. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’m offered free product in exchange for promotion. It took me a long time to get comfortable saying “no” to opportunities. You have to know your worth - and you can’t feel bad about putting a price on that! Make money in any way possible because the options are truly endless.

At some point, I did almost every single one of these! But I quickly learned these were major mistakes that were holding me back from being successful.

Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Take my course so I can teach you everything I did right AND wrong…so you can become successful far faster than I did! My newly re-launched course is FULL of great content (21+ hours!). Check out the lessons below, watch the course trailer and submit your application here!


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