How To Distress Blue Jeans (THE RIGHT WAY) In 5 Easy Steps!


Buying distressed blue jeans at the store can be SO EXPENSIVE and you are basically paying a premium for pre-destroyed items. Here are a few EASY steps to make your own pair of distressed jeans!

1. Find a pair of jeans that you like.

Easier said than done right?! I recommend thrifting them for a more inexpensive and low risk option!

2. Mark the spots on the jeans that you want to look distressed.

I used chalk, but a regular pencil should work too!

3. DO NOT USE SCISSORS! Use sandpaper instead.

Using scissors will DESTROY the fabric. Instead, use either a 40 or 60 grit sandpaper and sand repeatedly until you get the level of distress you want.

4. Trim away the fuzz

There will be lots of little fuzzies! Don’t worry, you can use your scissors to trim them away with ease.

5. Wash (or at least run the rinse cycle) the jeans and dry!

And now you have a custom pair of distressed jeans WITHOUT breaking the bank!

I can’t wait to see your results!

Questions? Send me a DM on Instagram!

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