5 Tips For Finding FREE Furniture In The Trash


*Note: collecting trash once it’s placed on the curb is legal in my city and state. Please be sure to carefully determine and review all local laws in your area.

Every time I post a new furniture flip on my Instagram or TikTok, I’m always asked the same question:

“How did you find this for free?!”

When I began my furniture flipping journey in 2020 I knew I wanted to do three things: 1. Make more money, 2. Find a hobby that teaches me new skills, and 3. Save furniture from the landfill. After learning that more than 9 million tons of furniture go to the landfill every year (a number that is increasing, not decreasing), I knew I wanted to be part of the solution - not the problem.

All of my flipped furniture projects come from the trash. 

You read that right. The trash. As soon as I learned to swallow my pride and dig through trash, I maximized profit, found a cool niche, and built a more sustainable business. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve found a method that is both safe and effective. I’m not digging through dumpsters or putting myself in danger.

Here are my top 5 tips for finding furniture in the trash using my tried and true method: Bulk Trash Pick Up Days. 

1. Google search for “bulk trash pickup in XX area” (with your location). The city I’m in schedules bulk trash pickup days by neighborhood. After a quick search through the city website, I was able to determine what zip codes had bulk trash on what days.

2. Drive around early morning in those areas on the day of pick up. My husband and son and I head out in the early morning (usually between 7-9am) and start our search. I spend anywhere between 30 minutes and five hours looking for furniture. When you find a good neighborhood or street, save it to your maps so you know where to look in the future.

3. Bring your largest vehicle for storage space. Be sure to clean it out (inside and outside!) to make sure you have as much room as possible.

*Bonus tip! You don’t have to pick up the entire piece of furniture to make it a worthwhile trip. I’ve been known to remove legs, knobs, and other pieces to reuse on other flips.

4. Do a quick glance for any potential bug issues and infestations. Although I’ve never had an issue with bugs, I’ve learned how to identify and treat any potential bug issues. But don’t worry, most can be easily treated if you do find a piece you really want with bugs.

5. Grab my Flip It! eCourse for more specific tips on how I find and flip furniture!

Like any furniture flip, be sure you clean each piece thoroughly and sand before painting. You’ll be amazed at how these two steps alone can really transform a piece of furniture.

Because I found it so addicting and fun, sometimes I like to search for free furniture from the comfort of my own home. Free furniture can be found on Facebook Marketplace and in Free Furniture Groups. This is a great way to keep your costs low if your area doesn’t offer bulk pickup trash days.

The more you look at furniture, the quicker you’ll get at identifying potentially valuable pieces. But the biggest piece of advice I have to offer about finding furniture in the trash?

Just go for it.

Don’t listen to what other people say or think. I’ve found better furniture in the trash than in stores new, and I’ve saved thousands over the last three years.

DIY and furniture flipping are a lot of work, but it can be SO fun and such a great creative outlet. For more DIY tips and tricks, follow me on social media!


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