Why Isn’t My Painted Furniture Selling in December?


December is a great month for so many things - time with family, revisiting your year-end goals, and closing chapters to soon begin new ones. However, I often realize that furniture flippers find December can be a stressful month. I’ve seen SO many posts lately asking why their furniture isn’t selling this month.

Here are a few things to consider about selling your furniture flips in December:

1. When was the last time YOU were given furniture as a Christmas present? Most people are focusing on gifts for the holidays, and furniture without sentimental value isn’t as likely to be at the top of people’s wish list.

2. Budgets are dwindling as the year ends. We’ve all been there. Budgets at the end of the year can be tight, which means there isn’t extra room for splurging on furniture.

3. Not many people choose to renovate or redecorate in December. With family gatherings, travel, and kids home from school, renovating is typically the last thing on someone’s mind. However, many people have new goals for the New Year, so once their bank account starts growing, people may start prioritizing their homes again.

4. Arranging pickup with busy schedules can be difficult. Again - family, travel, and kids. Schedules can be pretty packed in December!

5. It may have nothing to do with the timing… check out this blog linked on things to try if your furniture isn’t selling. You may have low quality photos, out of style furniture, or overpriced work for your demographic.

There are lots of productive furniture flipping activities you can do in December besides selling. You can get ahead on projects so you have stock ready to go when selling picks up, re-stage and take new (and better!) photos of your pieces, and - most importantly - you can take a break! Creative minds need rest to maintain creativity, so don’t feel bad about taking the time to reset.

For more tips like this, follow me on social media!


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