How "Uncreative" People Can Successfully Paint Furniture


I recently made a post in my free Flip It! Facebook group that asked the members to fill in the blank:

I was expecting responses dealing with the tangible: eliminating paint strokes, using a circular saw, sanding. But instead, the responses were filled with answers dealing with confidence and creativity.

I definitely was not creative when I started flipping furniture, and sometimes I still don’t feel like I’m “creative enough”. A LOT of my creativity came with time. When I first started flipping, I painted most of my pieces black or white. Then I started playing around with colors and new styles and realized I LOVED it.

So how can YOU start expanding your creative choices? Here’s a list of ways to increase your confidence when painting furniture:

1. Stay on top of trends. Look at architectural magazines, Pinterest, and follow interior designers on social media. Take note of what they are doing and the trends you see across multiple platforms. From there, make a vision board if you need to! I make mood boards for all of my large projects (like my AirBNB renos!).

2. Plan things out digitally. The fact is, most people are FULL of creativity but hesitant to commit to a paint color because they can’t visualize it. Try mocking up your pieces online before you decide on paint color. I just recently created an add-on to my Flip It! eCourse with a digital mock-up lesson! I teach you the basics of how I digitally flip furniture before committing. If you’re not ready to purchase the entire course, you can buy the single mock-up lesson for $10. Check it out here!

3. Ask for advice! Talk to your friends and family about pieces they would love to see in their homes or offices. If you don’t have a creative community near you, join my free Facebook group! This group is full of flippers who are looking for advice and support. Sometimes, all you need is a simple “I love this!” from an internet stranger to boost your confidence.

4. Start with small challenges: Incorporate neutral-based colors like emerald, tan/pink, or navy blue! You don’t have to paint a dresser bright yellow, just start with little steps!

5. Keep flipping! Start simple, and then challenge yourself with new colors and styles. You won’t grow your creativity unless you actively work on it.

At the end of the day, I suggest just going for it. Start with smaller pieces and create something YOU love, whether it’s “creative enough” or not. If you’re happy with your work at the end of the day, that’s all that matters!


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